Not just an AGM: Wasn’t that a party?!

Categories: News, Volunteers
Close to 100 donors, supporters, board members, staff and longtime friends of Operation Eyesight gathered in Calgary on June 12 – not only for the business of our annual general meeting, but also to celebrate our 50th anniversary of providing sight restoration and blindness prevention in the developing world. We were especially pleased to have… Continue Reading Not just an AGM: Wasn’t that a party?!

Thanks to you: Don McIver

Categories: Eye Surgery, Volunteers
If you live in Campbell River, BC, you might open your mail one day to find a greeting card and gift from an enthusiastic Operation Eyesight supporter… even if you don’t know him personally. For the past 30-plus years, Don McIver has celebrated local milestones by giving friends, strangers and organizations like Rotary and church… Continue Reading Thanks to you: Don McIver

Volunteer energy is essential: a highlight on Raju’s story

Categories: Volunteers

Although a relatively small organization in terms of employees, Operation Eyesight has created a big impact. That’s because Operation Eyesight is, in fact, a community of support – people from all over the world and different walks of life all focused on providing “the best for the poorest.” Among these dedicated people are volunteers who… Continue Reading Volunteer energy is essential: a highlight on Raju’s story