A big heart for the people – this community health volunteer is changing lives.

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, Other, Our Work, Zambia
A community health worker in Zambia
Catherine was overjoyed when she heard about the opportunity to become a community health volunteer with Operation Eyesight. However, Catherine’s family was not so thrilled. “Why would you want to work for free?” They would ask her. “I volunteer because I’m helping people. It’s my dream come true!” Catherine says. She always wanted to help… Continue Reading A big heart for the people – this community health volunteer is changing lives.

Happy new year! Throwback to 2017.

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Donors, Eye Surgery, Eyeglasses, Ghana, Hospitals, India, Kenya, Nepal, Our Work, Prevention, Zambia
Wow, it feels like 2017 just flew by. Can you believe it? Looking back, there’s a whole lot to celebrate when we add up what we achieved together last year. We would need to write an entire book to talk about every person you helped last year, and who knows? Maybe that will happen one… Continue Reading Happy new year! Throwback to 2017.

GivingTuesday 2017 is here – and you can be a part of it!

Categories: Blog, Communities, Donors, Eyeglasses, Ghana, India, Kenya, Nepal, Other, Zambia
Deborah hugging her sister
Today is GivingTuesday! People all over the world are kicking off the holiday season by giving back! You can change lives today by helping us reach or surpass our GivingTuesday campaign goal: to raise $35,000 for our eyeglasses programs in Asia and Africa. Just click here to donate! Sadly, many people living in these countries suffer from “low vision.”… Continue Reading GivingTuesday 2017 is here – and you can be a part of it!

You can’t buy happiness… but you can provide eyeglasses!

Categories: Blog, Eyeglasses, Ghana, India, Kenya, Nepal, Our Work, Zambia
Did you flip to November on your calendar and think: “The heck? Where did the year go?” I sympathize. The year really has flown by, and GivingTuesday is only two weeks away! Many of our supporters have already made donations, and we can’t thank you enough. By now, you may know that four out of… Continue Reading You can’t buy happiness… but you can provide eyeglasses!

Thank YOU for all that you do!

Categories: Blog, Communities, Donors, Eye Surgery, Eyeglasses, Ghana, Hospitals, India, Kenya, Nepal, Our Work, Prevention, Zambia
Thank you!
Canadian Thanksgiving is coming up this weekend, and we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of everything your incredible support has made possible, and more importantly, to THANK YOU for all that you do! Thanks to you… Thirteen-year-old Tom (and thousands of children, women and men) in the Lake Kariba area, Zambia, received… Continue Reading Thank YOU for all that you do!