Happy New Year, everyone!

Categories: Our Work


On behalf of all of us at Operation Eyesight, our best wishes for a happy and healthy 2017! I don’t know about you, but as the new year rolls in, I find myself reflecting on all of the wonderful things that happened in the last 12 months. It was a busy and exciting year for Operation Eyesight, and as I reminisce about our sight-saving projects in India and Africa, I’d like to share some of my favorite stories of 2016 with you. Enjoy!

Baby Darrell received sight-saving surgery at one of our partner hospitals in Kenya. He’s no longer at risk of going blind from glaucoma. Just look at his beautiful eyes!
Baby Darrell received sight-saving surgery at one of our partner hospitals in Kenya. He’s no longer at risk of going blind from glaucoma. Just look at his beautiful eyes!
Our Canadian intern, Adrian Parlow, created a great video documentary about our work on India’s Majuli island. Before we launched a Hospital-Based Community Eye Health Program there in 2012, the island had no eye care at all. Watch Adrian’s video to see how the island residents are doing today, thanks to our donors’ support.
Our Canadian intern, Adrian Parlow, created a great video documentary about our work on India’s Majuli island. Before we launched a Hospital-Based Community Eye Health Program there in 2012, the island had no eye care at all. Watch Adrian’s video to see how the island residents are doing today, thanks to our donors’ support.
In Zambia, in an effort to prevent the spread of sight-stealing trachoma, we distributed antibiotics to children living on the small islands of Lake Kariba. Thanks to our donors, we’re able to reach the unreached – even if that means reaching children by boat!
In Zambia, in an effort to prevent the spread of sight-stealing trachoma, we distributed antibiotics to children living on the small islands of Lake Kariba. Thanks to our donors, we’re able to reach the unreached – even if that means reaching children by boat!
Longtime donors Bish and Hansi Bhagwanani, from Victoria, B.C., told us the story of how they first become involved with Operation Eyesight and why they choose to keep our organization close to their hearts. We love hearing from our donors!
Longtime donors Bish and Hansi Bhagwanani, from Victoria, B.C., told us the story of how they first become involved with Operation Eyesight and why they choose to keep our organization close to their hearts. We love hearing from our donors!
Bunu-Nye, a 74-year-old farmer from Ghana, received sight-restoring cataract surgery, all because our generous donors. He says that he’s been “born again” thanks to the gift of sight.
Bunu-Nye, a 74-year-old farmer from Ghana, received sight-restoring cataract surgery, all because our generous donors. He says that he’s been “born again” thanks to the gift of sight.
In October, I had the opportunity to attend the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness’ 10th General Assembly in Durban, South Africa, where we celebrated the undeniable fact that we – Operation Eyesight, our partners and our generous donors – are stronger together!
In October, I had the opportunity to attend the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness’ 10th General Assembly in Durban, South Africa, where we celebrated the undeniable fact that we – Operation Eyesight, our partners and our generous donors – are stronger together!

Our team has many more heartwarming stories and photos to share with you in the coming year, so please check back every Tuesday. And if you have a story you’d like to share, please do! You can email us at info@operationeyesight.s21.gcnet.co. Thank you again your support in 2016!