Not just an AGM: Wasn’t that a party?!

Categories: News, Volunteers
Close to 100 donors, supporters, board members, staff and longtime friends of Operation Eyesight gathered in Calgary on June 12 – not only for the business of our annual general meeting, but also to celebrate our 50th anniversary of providing sight restoration and blindness prevention in the developing world. We were especially pleased to have… Continue Reading Not just an AGM: Wasn’t that a party?!

Advice from Grandpa

Categories: News

Grandpa would be immensely proud of the work Operation Eyesight is doing and the millions of people who can see today, thanks to the generosity of our donors. That’s the message Glenys Jenkyns, granddaughter of our founder Art Jenkyns, shared at our recent Annual General Meeting. Fired with enthusiasm about Operation Eyesight’s mandate to eliminate… Continue Reading Advice from Grandpa

Our annual celebration: A photo essay

Categories: News
Local donors, volunteers, board members and staff gathered for our Annual General Meeting at the Best Western Village Park Inn in Calgary, Canada on June 20. Each year, we take the time to pause and reflect on the progress we and our partners have made in the fight against avoidable blindness – progress made possible… Continue Reading Our annual celebration: A photo essay

Thanks to you!

Categories: News, Our Work
As we looked back on the 2011 year during our annual general meeting this past week, I was filled with immense gratitude for our donors. All of the work we do – every single project we undertake and every single person whose life is changed – is thanks to your kind generosity. Because of you,… Continue Reading Thanks to you!

Eyes wide open in 2012

Categories: Our Work
Have you ever heard the term “blind charity?” If you’re guessing that’s what Operation Eyesight is about, you’d be mistaken. Of course, our work deals with blindness prevention and treatment, but we don’t expect our donors to give blindly, which is what the term refers to. Our wish is that our donors are fully aware… Continue Reading Eyes wide open in 2012