We have much to remember

Categories: India, Our Work
Tomorrow, we in Canada and many other countries around the world observe Remembrance Day. It is an important memorial, as we look back on the valiant sacrifices made by our many brave veterans. Remembrance is a powerful theme at Operation Eyesight. We look back and have much to honour. We remember Art Jenkyns, our founder,… Continue Reading We have much to remember

Remembering our inspiration: Dr. Ben Gullison

Categories: India, Our Work
This week, we celebrate the life of Dr. Ben Gullison, the Canadian who inspired the founding of Operation Eyesight. Dr. Gullison passed away April 6, 1987, and it is his vision of “the best for the poorest” that we still strive to achieve. Dr. Gullison was born in Yarmouth, N.S. He studied medicine at Acadia… Continue Reading Remembering our inspiration: Dr. Ben Gullison