We have much to remember

Categories: India, Our Work
Tomorrow, we in Canada and many other countries around the world observe Remembrance Day. It is an important memorial, as we look back on the valiant sacrifices made by our many brave veterans. Remembrance is a powerful theme at Operation Eyesight. We look back and have much to honour. We remember Art Jenkyns, our founder,… Continue Reading We have much to remember

Remembering a loving husband and father

Categories: News
Art Jenkyns used to say, “You can’t change the world, but you can change some people’s world.” As founder of Operation Eyesight, he did just that. And as a dedicated husband and father, he also made the world a better place for his family. Art and his beloved wife, Una, had five children: Tom, Linda,… Continue Reading Remembering a loving husband and father

Celebrating the spirit of philanthropy

Categories: News
As executive director of Operation Eyesight, I felt very privileged to be a part of Calgary’s celebration of National Philanthropy Day on November 15. Not only was I able to see our “founding family,” the Jenkyns family, honoured as the Outstanding Philanthropic Family by the Calgary chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, but I… Continue Reading Celebrating the spirit of philanthropy

Founding family acknowledged with philanthropic award

Categories: News
Philanthropy, for members of the Jenkyns family, is something they learned at a very early age from someone who cared deeply about humanity and who passed his values on to his children and grandchildren. Art Jenkyns, who founded Operation Eyesight in Calgary in 1963, instilled a genuine caring for others in his five children and… Continue Reading Founding family acknowledged with philanthropic award

The Jenkyns Village program

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work
Developed by our Indian staff, Operation Eyesight’s model of hospital-based community eye care stresses the importance of recruiting and training local individuals as community workers. The goal of these workers is to promote health in their communities, which they do through a process of eye health screenings, referrals, and follow-up visits. This model has been… Continue Reading The Jenkyns Village program