Aly’s emotional journey begins

Categories: Blog, News, Other, Uncategorized
Aly has been keeping us updated about his travels on Twitter and Instagram: "Day one of my first journey with Operation Eyesight to see the wonderful work of our great organization. Six countries and ten flights in 28 days. My first stop is Nairobi Kenya. So much gratitude for this awesome role. #4AllTheWorld2C"
For most of us, leaving our comfort zone is something we like to avoid. But for Aly, our President and CEO, getting uncomfortable is something he looks forward to in the weeks to come. During September, Aly will be visiting our project countries to meet with our international team and participate in 30 days of… Continue Reading Aly’s emotional journey begins

A blurry world is now in focus… Thanks to you!

Categories: Blog, Eye Surgery, Kenya, Our Work
Kenyan boy with visual trouble
Tilt your head. Then close one eye, squint out of the corner of the other eye, and try to read this story. Don’t you find it awkward, uncomfortable and hard to see? That’s how Caleb, an 8-year old boy from Kenya, grew up looking at the world! Caleb’s grandfather first noticed his grandson’s mannerism about… Continue Reading A blurry world is now in focus… Thanks to you!

Ten years later, Art Jenkyns would be proud!

Categories: Donors, Our Work
When Operation Eyesight’s founder Art Jenkyns passed away on January 26, 2005, we knew that the world had lost a rare individual. Much has changed since the first meeting of “The Gullison Club” in 1963, when Art and his fellows at the Baptist Men’s Club raised $840 in support of Dr. Ben Gullison’s Arogyavaram Hospital.… Continue Reading Ten years later, Art Jenkyns would be proud!

We have the answers

Categories: Communities, Our Work
Operation Eyesight was recently approached by blogger Grant Wish to do a Q&A for CauseArtist. We turned to our expert in the field, Kashinath Bhoosnurmath, Senior Director of International Programs, for the answers. The discussion captures Operation Eyesight’s approach to sustainable development and demonstrates how we are finding solutions to eye health issues. You can read highlights… Continue Reading We have the answers

We must see through their eyes (Part 1 of 2)

Categories: Eye Surgery, Our Work
Have you ever wondered why Operation Eyesight is so big on quality? It’s a fair question. Why insist on high international standards for poor people? Isn’t just about anything better than what they have? To answer that, picture a tribal woman in a remote part of India, who is going blind from cataracts. She’s a… Continue Reading We must see through their eyes (Part 1 of 2)