5 stories that touched our hearts in 2012

Categories: Communities, News, Our Work, Prevention

It’s been a great year for storytelling here at Grey Mist Lifting! We’ve certainly enjoyed the opportunity to tell you an inspiring story every Friday. Together, we’ve travelled to Africa and India and introduced you to some of the children, women and men whose lives have changed, thanks to our supporters. Here are five highlights… Continue Reading 5 stories that touched our hearts in 2012

Thanks to you: Edmonton Public Teachers’ Charity Trust Fund

Categories: Communities
American journalist and historian Henry Adams once said, “Teachers affect eternity; you can never tell where their influence stops.” The teachers of Edmonton Public Schools have taken that statement to another level with their Charity Trust Fund. A generous supporter of Operation Eyesight for more than 25 years, the Edmonton Public Teachers’ Charity Trust Fund’s… Continue Reading Thanks to you: Edmonton Public Teachers’ Charity Trust Fund

Parents – don’t overlook your kids’ eye health

Categories: Prevention
As September draws to a close, I’d like to point out that October is Eye Health Month*. As an organization that works with people with terrible eye problems, Operation Eyesight feels strongly about blindness prevention. We are motivated by the fact that many eye problems occur because of late diagnosis. That’s a big issue in… Continue Reading Parents – don’t overlook your kids’ eye health

For us, it’s easy to get an eye exam

Categories: Ghana, Our Work, Prevention

Last month, just before leaving town for some international meetings, I had a message on my phone reminding me it was time for my annual eye exam. After making a note to book an appointment upon my return, I left home confident that I would be able to get the eye care I needed. I… Continue Reading For us, it’s easy to get an eye exam