Welcome to the Family, CloudBreak!

Categories: Blog, Eye Surgery, Eyeglasses, Other, Our Work, Partnerships, Prevention
CloudBreak Calgary
We’re excited to announce our partnership with CloudBreak Eye Care, right here in Calgary. CloudBreak is Calgary’s newest Glaucoma and Advanced Anterior Segment Clinic. They provide quality and personalized eye care to their patients, empowering them through eye health education and professional care. CloudBreak has decided to partner with our organization, offering their patients the option… Continue Reading Welcome to the Family, CloudBreak!

Happy Father’s Day!

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Donors, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, India, Our Work
Indian man receives cataract surgery
Did you celebrate Father’s Day on Sunday? If you’re anything like me, your father is someone special who took care of you, helped shape your childhood, who guided you through life’s challenges and taught you some important lessons that you still carry with you today. Maybe some of you reading this are fathers yourselves, and… Continue Reading Happy Father’s Day!

June is Cataract Awareness Month – Em’s Story

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Nepal, Other, Our Work
Em and her daughter in Nepal
Cataract: a clouding of the lens of the eye. In developing countries, a cataract can rob someone not only of their sight, but their livelihood and hope as well. Em was suffering from depression after her husband passed away. She was heartbroken, and nothing felt right. She was lonely, as most of her children had… Continue Reading June is Cataract Awareness Month – Em’s Story

A blurry world is now in focus… Thanks to you!

Categories: Blog, Eye Surgery, Kenya, Our Work
Kenyan boy with visual trouble
Tilt your head. Then close one eye, squint out of the corner of the other eye, and try to read this story. Don’t you find it awkward, uncomfortable and hard to see? That’s how Caleb, an 8-year old boy from Kenya, grew up looking at the world! Caleb’s grandfather first noticed his grandson’s mannerism about… Continue Reading A blurry world is now in focus… Thanks to you!

This light shines brightly once more with the Gift of Sight!

Categories: Blog, Eye Surgery, Ghana, Hospitals, Other, Our Work
A man from Ghana receives sight-restoring cataract surgery.
“I thought about ending my life. It was better than living in such misery, depending on my wife to take care of me.” Said Kwaku, a 75-year-old man from a small town in Ghana. Kwaku is speaking about his eye injury. A spark flew into his eye from a lit match while he was working… Continue Reading This light shines brightly once more with the Gift of Sight!