Her blindness was destroying two lives…

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, India, Our Work
Indian grandmother receives sight'saving surgery
It’s normal to think about blindness as a personal condition. After all, it’s easiest to imagine how it would affect your life. But for Surajkali, blindness stole not just her independence, but her 10-year old grandson’s, too. Surajkali is 65 and from India. She lives in Rurwahar Village in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Her husband is a… Continue Reading Her blindness was destroying two lives…

A blurry world is now in focus… Thanks to you!

Categories: Blog, Eye Surgery, Kenya, Our Work
Kenyan boy with visual trouble
Tilt your head. Then close one eye, squint out of the corner of the other eye, and try to read this story. Don’t you find it awkward, uncomfortable and hard to see? That’s how Caleb, an 8-year old boy from Kenya, grew up looking at the world! Caleb’s grandfather first noticed his grandson’s mannerism about… Continue Reading A blurry world is now in focus… Thanks to you!

A woman’s wish to see her family happy comes true!

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, Nepal, Our Work
What would you do if you had an eye condition that was easily treated with a 15-minute surgery? You’d accept treatment, wouldn’t you? Maya suffered with cataracts for a year, to the point that she was forced to stop doing the things she loved, like making garlands in her free time and spending time with… Continue Reading A woman’s wish to see her family happy comes true!

Sight restored is like being born again

Categories: Blog, Communities, Donors, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, Nepal, Our Work
Today we want to tell you the story of Jay, a 60-year-old man living in Lalitpur, Nepal with his wife and children. Jay and his family are poor, and they live in a small cottage. He does some farming and he owns a small shop. Over time, Jay’s vision started to fade. He and his family… Continue Reading Sight restored is like being born again

The magical Gift of Sight!

Categories: Blog, Communities, Eye Surgery, India, Our Work
Kamlesh and Nanalal are brothers. Kamlesh is 10 years old and Nanalal is just seven years old. They live in a small house with their grandfather, mother and three other siblings in a village in India’s Udaipur district. At a young age, both boys had severe visual impairment, to the point that they would often fall, bump into things and into… Continue Reading The magical Gift of Sight!