GivingTuesday 2016: Hundreds of lives changed!

Categories: Donors
On November 29, a month ago today, we kicked off the holiday giving season with GivingTuesday! It’s a special day dedicated to giving back around the world, and we’re proud to have made it an annual event for Operation Eyesight. To help us reach our $15,000 goal (which we surpassed!), Calgary donors joined us for… Continue Reading GivingTuesday 2016: Hundreds of lives changed!

A teen can be a teen, now that he can see

Categories: Eye Surgery, India

Atul and his family live in a semi-permanent home in Jogyal, a remote village located in the drought-prone district of Latur, India. When he was eight years old, one of Atul’s classmates accidently hit him in the eye with a pencil. He felt pain right away, but then things seemed to get better… for a while.… Continue Reading A teen can be a teen, now that he can see

Giving so that others may see

Categories: Donors, Eye Surgery
We love hearing from our donors and learning why and how they support Operation Eyesight. Many of our donors have struggled with poor vision in the past; they understand just how precious the gift of sight can be, and they’re dedicated to ensuring others can have their vision restored too. Leila, from Toronto, ON, has… Continue Reading Giving so that others may see

Couple helps others see the goodness in life

Categories: Donors, Eye Surgery
April 26 was a sad, but special day for Clarice and Al Bloomenthal. It would have been their daughter’s 48th birthday. Forty years ago, their world was turned upside down when a reckless driver stole the life of their eight-year-old girl, Risa. In the weeks that followed, the Bloomenthal family received many flowers and cards… Continue Reading Couple helps others see the goodness in life

Life takes a turn for the better!

Categories: Eye Surgery, Zambia
University Teaching Hospital’s recently-refurbished ophthalmic centre has seen many success stories since Operation Eyesight and the Zambian government opened the facility in Lusaka, Zambia in 2012. One of the most recent happy stories I’d like to share with you is that of Davison Mwanamwale. Davison is a retired 75-year old who has lived in Lusaka for… Continue Reading Life takes a turn for the better!