Clearing the clouds in his eyes

Categories: Blog, Eye Surgery, India, Our Work
Ram can see
Ram is a 65-year-old farmer from a very remote village called Fathua in India. He provides for his daughter and three sons with his farming. Life for Ram’s family wasn’t easy. He came from generations of family members who never had a formal education. Farming was the best way for them to put bread on… Continue Reading Clearing the clouds in his eyes

Restored eyesight and a brand-new life

Categories: Blog, Communities, Eye Surgery, Nepal, Our Work
Sita is an 82-year-old woman who lives in Bungamati, Nepal. Sadly, her husband passed away some years ago, so she’s been living with her step son and his family ever since. She helps her daughter-in-law take care of the household. However, over the years Sita discovered that her everyday activities were becoming more difficult to… Continue Reading Restored eyesight and a brand-new life

Spring-like rejuvenation for a boy in Ghana

Categories: Eye Surgery, Ghana
It was a very long winter, wasn’t it? Heavy snow, dangerous ice and bitter cold set records in many parts of Canada and the United States. But take heart — spring has finally arrived! The days are growing longer and warmer. If you don’t already, you’ll soon hear excited birds singing their mating songs, and… Continue Reading Spring-like rejuvenation for a boy in Ghana

A little girl journeys out of darkness

Categories: Eye Surgery, India
Think back to when you were 12 years old. Hopefully, you were playing with friends, (mostly) enjoying your days in school and generally having a great time being a kid. Unfortunately, life wasn’t like that for Phangshu, a little girl living in the village of Sonapur in India. Not only was she born into a… Continue Reading A little girl journeys out of darkness

A farmer is “born again” thanks to cataract surgeries

Categories: Eye Surgery, Ghana, Our Work
Isaac Owusu Baffoe, our Program Coordinator in Ghana, shared this heartwarming story with us. Thank you, Isaac! Last summer, I visited St. Theresa’s Hospital in Nandom, one of our three partner hospitals in the Upper West Region of Ghana. During my visit, I met a man whose life has been transformed through the generosity of… Continue Reading A farmer is “born again” thanks to cataract surgeries