Benefits of eye surgery outweigh fear

Categories: Communities, Eye Surgery, Ghana, Our Work
Fear of the unknown can be debilitating. It can hold you back from making a decision that can ultimately prove beneficial. Yet when you take a chance, the benefits can be enormous! Let me tell you about Isaac Acquah. Born and raised in the seacoast town of Apam, in the Central region of Ghana, Isaac… Continue Reading Benefits of eye surgery outweigh fear

Radio helps direct rural, remote Africans to health care

Categories: Eye Surgery, Our Work, Zambia
Do you enjoy listening to the radio? News programs, talk shows, music, weather reports, traffic updates – they’re all pleasurable and useful, but I suspect we take often take radio’s availability for granted. Yet for a 32-year old Zambian named Ides Habeenzu, listening to the radio actually helped restore her eyesight! Ides lives with her… Continue Reading Radio helps direct rural, remote Africans to health care

Life takes a turn for the better!

Categories: Eye Surgery, Zambia
University Teaching Hospital’s recently-refurbished ophthalmic centre has seen many success stories since Operation Eyesight and the Zambian government opened the facility in Lusaka, Zambia in 2012. One of the most recent happy stories I’d like to share with you is that of Davison Mwanamwale. Davison is a retired 75-year old who has lived in Lusaka for… Continue Reading Life takes a turn for the better!

Neither blindness nor age can slow her down

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work
If I became blind, I might not feel inclined to keep up with my daily chores. How about you? However, that wasn’t the case for 75-year old Deevanamma. “In spite of her blindness, she never sits idle,” neighbours told us admiringly. Deevanamma and her husband raised five children in the small Indian village of Ungamath.… Continue Reading Neither blindness nor age can slow her down

The facts of life DON’T have to include blindness

Categories: Eye Surgery, Ghana, Our Work
Aging is a fact of life. Hair greys, limbs stiffen, skin wrinkles. We don’t like it, but we generally accept it. But you may be surprised to learn: your fate does not necessarily have to include blindness due to cataract! Let me tell you about Papa Kojo, an 82-year old farmer who has lived almost… Continue Reading The facts of life DON’T have to include blindness