Consider this on Mother’s Day: Women suffer a greater risk of blindness

Categories: India

Ensuring women and children have equitable access to eye health services is a challenge in many developing countries.  This challenge needs to be addressed because access issues, along with early promotion and prevention strategies, are fundamental – not only to healthy eyes but to healthy communities as well.   Many women in India suffer from… Continue Reading Consider this on Mother’s Day: Women suffer a greater risk of blindness

Water is life in Narok

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work

Travelling by vehicle on the highway from Nairobi to Narok, Kenya, the first glimpse of the Great Rift Valley is staggering. Your eye cannot take in its breadth and its beauty. This is the panoramic road I travelled a few short weeks ago on February 19. As we drive down the mountain on the narrow… Continue Reading Water is life in Narok