Biannual checkup: Majuli Island

Categories: Communities, India, Prevention

We first told you about Majuli Island back in Spring 2014. Located in India’s remote state of Assam, it’s home to 168,000 people. Before Operation Eyesight launched a Hospital-Based Community Eye Health Program there in 2012, the island had no eye care at all. Thanks to a video documentary created by our Canadian intern Adrian… Continue Reading Biannual checkup: Majuli Island

Contributing to a sustainable future for all

Categories: Our Work
Last fall, world leaders adopted the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All of us in the eye health community have an important role to play in achieving these global goals, particularly goals 1 through 6. Read on to learn how Operation Eyesight’s work to eliminate avoidable… Continue Reading Contributing to a sustainable future for all

Community program restores a mother’s sight

Categories: Uncategorized
Shakila, 52, lives in Bhopal, India. A widow, she works hard to support her two daughters as best she can through a variety of small jobs. She washes dishes and helps local farmers at the market by cleaning wheat and rice or grooming animals. But these tasks became extremely difficult when her vision started to… Continue Reading Community program restores a mother’s sight

Global leadership: An interview with Kashinath Bhoosnurmath

Categories: Communities
Our Global Director of Programmes, Kashinath Bhoosnurmath, joined Operation Eyesight in 2009. He brought with him a wealth of experience in the field of strategic program development and works with his team in India to develop our programs. Kash, as we know him, agreed to answer some questions about his role, and he had a… Continue Reading Global leadership: An interview with Kashinath Bhoosnurmath

New role for an old friend

Categories: Communities, Our Work
Previously our Director of African Programs, earlier this year Dr. Boateng Wiafe’s role changed. An ophthalmologist with over 25 years of experience, Dr. Bo is now our Director of Quality and Advocacy. He’s been working with Operation Eyesight since 1985, when he was recruited to work in Zambia on the Seventh Day Adventists’ church health… Continue Reading New role for an old friend