Celebrating World Sight Day 2014: No More Avoidable Blindness!

Categories: Communities, News, Our Work
World Sight Day is just three days away! To mark the occasion, we’re holding a public celebration event in Kanapur, a village located in Telangana State, India. The village will be declared avoidable blindness free! What does this mean? It means that anyone in the village who was suffering from unnecessary blindness, or was at… Continue Reading Celebrating World Sight Day 2014: No More Avoidable Blindness!

Q&A with Rob Ohlson, Board Chair

Categories: Communities
In June 2014, Rob Ohlson was announced as new Chair of the Operation Eyesight Canada Board of Directors. We are delighted to have Rob, our former Vice Chair, lead our volunteer directors as they provide strategic direction to assist us in fulfilling our mission to eliminate avoidable blindness. We checked in with Rob to get… Continue Reading Q&A with Rob Ohlson, Board Chair

We have the answers

Categories: Communities, Our Work
Operation Eyesight was recently approached by blogger Grant Wish to do a Q&A for CauseArtist. We turned to our expert in the field, Kashinath Bhoosnurmath, Senior Director of International Programs, for the answers. The discussion captures Operation Eyesight’s approach to sustainable development and demonstrates how we are finding solutions to eye health issues. You can read highlights… Continue Reading We have the answers

Flagship program recognized as best practice

Categories: Communities, Our Work
Operation Eyesight has been part of many dramatic changes in India since we started working in the country in 1963. Over the past decade, in particular, India has experienced strong economic growth, and has become a force in the global economy. Yet despite a remarkable increase in wealthy individuals, life for the vast majority of… Continue Reading Flagship program recognized as best practice

It started on a honeymoon…

Categories: Communities, India
After working in India for over 50 years, we have some great stories to share. For instance, our 10-millionth eye treatment was performed in 1987 on 12-year-old Satish Kumar for an infected gland in his upper eyelid. But did you know that Operation Eyesight’s origin in India is also a romantic one? In many ways,… Continue Reading It started on a honeymoon…