Women power drives change (Part 1 of 2)

Categories: Communities, India
A couple of weeks from now, on March 8, the world will focus on the accomplishments of women and the challenges they face – especially in low-income countries. International Women’s Day is observed by the United Nations and is designated as a national holiday in many countries. Daniel Franklin, Operation Eyesight’s Program Manager for Community… Continue Reading Women power drives change (Part 1 of 2)

When are two wheels better than four?

Categories: India, Our Work

I remember, some years ago, when I first learned about the intrepid nuns of Assumption Hospital’s Kanhirapuzha Eye Unit who took eye care into remote areas on motorcycles. It made me smile, imagining these dignified women weaving in and out of traffic (I now know that such a sight is not the least bit unusual… Continue Reading When are two wheels better than four?