We must see through their eyes (Part 2 of 2)

Categories: Communities, Eye Surgery, India
On May 25, I wrote about why quality is so important to Operation Eyesight. In case you’re wondering why I’m writing about this now, it’s because too many people are afraid to get the help they need. For years now, we’ve known that next to cataracts, the second leading cause of avoidable blindness in developing… Continue Reading We must see through their eyes (Part 2 of 2)

Children with disabilities are often forgotten

Categories: Communities, India
I once met a little boy with one eye. Last year while in India, I visited the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad, India. This world-class centre for vision care works closely with Operation Eyesight. I was touring the facility, marvelling at all the different departments. LVP handles just about every kind of eye problem… Continue Reading Children with disabilities are often forgotten

Frontline workers reach remote patients in Africa (Part 1 of 2)

Categories: Communities, Kenya
When medical personnel are scarce and rural populations are sparse, it’s time to get creative. Basic eye care is a significant problem in many parts of Africa; in fact, sub-Saharan Africa has one of the highest rates of visual impairment and blindness in the world. Poverty, disease and lack of access to eye care all… Continue Reading Frontline workers reach remote patients in Africa (Part 1 of 2)

Women power drives change (Part 2 of 2)

Categories: Communities, India
Our blog post of February 24 featured Daniel Franklin, Operation Eyesight’s Program Manager for Community Eye Health in India, describing how a group of 15 women was sought to facilitate eye health in remote, rural areas of Tamil Nadu state. The hospital-based community eye health program seeks to reach people suffering from visual impairment who… Continue Reading Women power drives change (Part 2 of 2)