A man’s sight has been restored and the cows have come back home!

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, India, Other, Our Work
Standsingh is an 82-year-old man who lives in the state of Meghalaya in India. It’s a hilly region, surrounded by mountains and rocky cliffs. He was born and raised in a small village, where he lives with his children and grandchildren in a sturdy little house made of timber and brick. Sadly, Standsingh’s wife passed away eight… Continue Reading A man’s sight has been restored and the cows have come back home!

Shabnam’s story: Community health work at its finest

Categories: Communities, India, Other, Our Work
Shabnam with other community health workers, are all working hard to educate their communities to eliminate avoidable blindness!
If you’re lucky, you chose what you wanted to study and what career interested you most. But what would it be like to live your life thinking that your future had been decided for you? Shabnam is a 32-year-old woman who lives with her husband and three children in Bhopal, India. She comes from a… Continue Reading Shabnam’s story: Community health work at its finest