Neither blindness nor age can slow her down

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work
If I became blind, I might not feel inclined to keep up with my daily chores. How about you? However, that wasn’t the case for 75-year old Deevanamma. “In spite of her blindness, she never sits idle,” neighbours told us admiringly. Deevanamma and her husband raised five children in the small Indian village of Ungamath.… Continue Reading Neither blindness nor age can slow her down

India’s northeastern gateway to eye health

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work
Siliguri Greater Lions Eye Hospital, located in North Bengal, India, is an advanced secondary level eye hospital run by the Lions Club of Siliguri Greater. Operation Eyesight has been a key supporter of the hospital since its founding in 1981. The hospital started in a modest fashion, offering only basic patient care services. Operation Eyesight… Continue Reading India’s northeastern gateway to eye health

The Jenkyns Village program

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work
Developed by our Indian staff, Operation Eyesight’s model of hospital-based community eye care stresses the importance of recruiting and training local individuals as community workers. The goal of these workers is to promote health in their communities, which they do through a process of eye health screenings, referrals, and follow-up visits. This model has been… Continue Reading The Jenkyns Village program

Sight and love in an Indian slum

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work

Gaddam Naresh was devastated. The 28-year-old resident of Hyderabad’s Fatehnagar slum had just learned that his marriage proposal had been rejected because of his poor vision. His sweetheart’s family didn’t think he could provide for her. And he couldn’t really argue with them. Gaddam’s income from driving an auto rickshaw had dropped dramatically since he’d… Continue Reading Sight and love in an Indian slum

SEE what a difference glasses can make

Categories: Communities, Eyeglasses, India, Our Work, Prevention
As a child, I was not happy to learn that I needed glasses. Why? I was worried about looking like a nerd and getting teased at school. My reaction seems to be pretty common here in North America, but in India and Africa, most children welcome eyeglasses as a precious gift. Here’s a great story… Continue Reading SEE what a difference glasses can make