Sight and love in an Indian slum

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work

Gaddam Naresh was devastated. The 28-year-old resident of Hyderabad’s Fatehnagar slum had just learned that his marriage proposal had been rejected because of his poor vision. His sweetheart’s family didn’t think he could provide for her. And he couldn’t really argue with them. Gaddam’s income from driving an auto rickshaw had dropped dramatically since he’d… Continue Reading Sight and love in an Indian slum

SEE what a difference glasses can make

Categories: Communities, Eyeglasses, India, Our Work, Prevention
As a child, I was not happy to learn that I needed glasses. Why? I was worried about looking like a nerd and getting teased at school. My reaction seems to be pretty common here in North America, but in India and Africa, most children welcome eyeglasses as a precious gift. Here’s a great story… Continue Reading SEE what a difference glasses can make

Radio reaches those in dire need

Categories: Communities, Eye Surgery, Our Work, Zambia

Have you ever found that sometimes, the simplest messages are the most heartfelt? Let me tell you about Dawson, 72, and Anisa, 68. This elderly couple live in a tiny one room thatched house in the village of Kajilo, located in Zambia’s North-Western Province. Until quite recently, their lives were miserable because neither of them could… Continue Reading Radio reaches those in dire need

Children with disabilities are often forgotten

Categories: Communities, India
I once met a little boy with one eye. Last year while in India, I visited the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad, India. This world-class centre for vision care works closely with Operation Eyesight. I was touring the facility, marvelling at all the different departments. LVP handles just about every kind of eye problem… Continue Reading Children with disabilities are often forgotten

Frontline workers reach remote patients in Africa (Part 2 of 2)

Categories: Communities, Kenya
Last week, I told you how many African countries are training frontline workers, including public health care staff, schoolteachers, midwives and traditional healers, to identify eye problems and other health concerns when they are working in the community. This type of community development program is highly effective in identifying health risks. When I was at… Continue Reading Frontline workers reach remote patients in Africa (Part 2 of 2)