Thank you, Canada!

Categories: News
Tomorrow is Canada’s birthday. On behalf of all of us at Operation Eyesight, I would like to wish our Canadian friends and supporters a Happy Canada Day! We’re proud to be a Canada-based international development organization. Canadians truly are making a difference in the countries in which we work. Most of our donors will never… Continue Reading Thank you, Canada!

Ten years later, Art Jenkyns would be proud!

Categories: Donors, Our Work
When Operation Eyesight’s founder Art Jenkyns passed away on January 26, 2005, we knew that the world had lost a rare individual. Much has changed since the first meeting of “The Gullison Club” in 1963, when Art and his fellows at the Baptist Men’s Club raised $840 in support of Dr. Ben Gullison’s Arogyavaram Hospital.… Continue Reading Ten years later, Art Jenkyns would be proud!

A child can finally see to read!

Categories: Eyeglasses, Kenya, Our Work
When you can’t see clearly, learning to read becomes a challenge beyond a child’s ability. And when your family is so desperately poor you can’t afford food, purchasing eyeglasses becomes an impossibility. That’s where our kind-hearted donors make such a difference! Our supporters share our ongoing concern about children like Paul Omari who have vision… Continue Reading A child can finally see to read!

Helping children succeed this fall

Categories: Eyeglasses, Our Work
It’s back-to-school time here in Canada. Parents are running around this week, stocking up on supplies and picking out new outfits for their children to wear this fall. We all want to send our kids back to school feeling good about themselves; we want to do everything in our power to help them succeed, both… Continue Reading Helping children succeed this fall

Couple helps others see the goodness in life

Categories: Donors, Eye Surgery
April 26 was a sad, but special day for Clarice and Al Bloomenthal. It would have been their daughter’s 48th birthday. Forty years ago, their world was turned upside down when a reckless driver stole the life of their eight-year-old girl, Risa. In the weeks that followed, the Bloomenthal family received many flowers and cards… Continue Reading Couple helps others see the goodness in life