Happy Canada Day!

Categories: Donors
On behalf of all of us at Operation Eyesight, I’d like to wish our Canadian supporters a happy Canada Day! As you sing our national anthem and watch the fireworks tonight, I hope you take the time to appreciate how fortunate we are to live in a country where we have convenient access to quality… Continue Reading Happy Canada Day!

Once he struggled in school; now Mahesh has a bright future!

Categories: Communities, Eyeglasses, India, Our Work
When his father was killed in an accident six years ago, Mahesh was only nine years old. Now 15, he lives with his mother Sailu and two younger siblings in Fatehnagar slum in the city of Hyderabad, India. Sailu supports the family as a daily wage labourer, earning around INR 5,000 ($92 CAD) per month.… Continue Reading Once he struggled in school; now Mahesh has a bright future!

Through the eyes of a committed donor

Categories: Communities, Hospitals, Our Work
We are continuously amazed by the dedication and passion of all of our donors. Today, we’d like tell you about one of our loyal supporters, Brian Lee. Brian is a Certified Speaking Professional known for his expertise in improving the patient experience in hospitals and health clinics. We were delighted when he approached us last… Continue Reading Through the eyes of a committed donor

Securities prove to be a very special type of gift

Categories: Donors, India
Giving a gift of securities to Operation Eyesight last year proved doubly rewarding to longtime donor Penny Pattison. When Penny’s father died in 2010, and left her some money, Penny made a bequest in her own will to Operation Eyesight with part of her inheritance. After consulting with her financial advisor, she invested some of… Continue Reading Securities prove to be a very special type of gift

From our hearts to yours

Categories: Donors
This week is Valentine’s Day – a traditional time to tell people how much we care for them. Today, we want to tell our donors how much their support means to us, and to those whom we serve! At Operation Eyesight, we care a great deal for the people who support our mission of preventing… Continue Reading From our hearts to yours