Thanks to you!

Categories: News, Our Work
As we looked back on the 2011 year during our annual general meeting this past week, I was filled with immense gratitude for our donors. All of the work we do – every single project we undertake and every single person whose life is changed – is thanks to your kind generosity. Because of you,… Continue Reading Thanks to you!

Celebrating a new hospital in Ghana (Part 2)

Categories: Communities, Ghana, Our Work
Last week, we experienced the thrill of opening a new facility for Watborg Eye Services, just outside of Ghana’s capital city of Accra. This is an important development for Operation Eyesight, and we hope our supporters are as excited as we are. As I mentioned in last week’s post, this hospital has the potential to… Continue Reading Celebrating a new hospital in Ghana (Part 2)

Companies have a role to play in social investment

Categories: News, Our Work
On March 7, I spoke to business leaders and members of the international eye care community at the launch of Operation Eyesight UK in London. We made some important connections, and the trustees of the UK board are off to a great start. We certainly want people in the UK to know that Operation Eyesight… Continue Reading Companies have a role to play in social investment

Our donors are the best!

Categories: Donors
Next Tuesday is Valentine’s Day, a time to express our appreciation for the important people in our lives. It might be unusual to express appreciation to a group of people, but that’s what I’d like to do. And that group of people would be you – our donors. Seriously, here in our Calgary office we… Continue Reading Our donors are the best!

Art Jenkyns’ simple message

Categories: India, Our Work
This week marks the seventh anniversary of the passing of Art Jenkyns, the founder of Operation Eyesight. Those of you who know our history know that Art was the driving force behind the organization from the beginning. When he died in 2005, he left a tremendous legacy that continues to inspire our work to this… Continue Reading Art Jenkyns’ simple message