It started on a honeymoon…

Categories: Communities, India
After working in India for over 50 years, we have some great stories to share. For instance, our 10-millionth eye treatment was performed in 1987 on 12-year-old Satish Kumar for an infected gland in his upper eyelid. But did you know that Operation Eyesight’s origin in India is also a romantic one? In many ways,… Continue Reading It started on a honeymoon…

Cooking up support to fight avoidable blindness

Categories: Donors
Our 50th anniversary has brought many welcome surprises – letters filled with memories from long-time donors are one of our favourites. One surprise that has us particularly excited is from Dr. Ben Gullison’s great niece Iris Quinn, a long-time Operation Eyesight supporter. Iris is an accomplished stage and film actor, director, voice-over artist and acting… Continue Reading Cooking up support to fight avoidable blindness

Remembering our inspiration: Dr. Ben Gullison

Categories: India, Our Work
This week, we celebrate the life of Dr. Ben Gullison, the Canadian who inspired the founding of Operation Eyesight. Dr. Gullison passed away April 6, 1987, and it is his vision of “the best for the poorest” that we still strive to achieve. Dr. Gullison was born in Yarmouth, N.S. He studied medicine at Acadia… Continue Reading Remembering our inspiration: Dr. Ben Gullison

Fireworks for 50!

Categories: News
Light the fireworks! Throw the confetti! Strike up the band… Operation Eyesight turns 50 this year! Okay, in reality the celebrations might be a bit lower-key than that. But I’m sure you’ll agree, 50 years of preventing avoidable blindness is an occasion worth celebrating! Back in 1963, a Canadian doctor named Ben Gullison inspired businessman… Continue Reading Fireworks for 50!

Thanks to you: Eileen Maharaj

Categories: Eye Surgery, India, Our Work
A Sunday School class at Grandview Baptist Church (now Grandview Calvary Baptist Church) in Vancouver was all the inspiration that then-teenager Eileen Maharaj needed to support Operation Eyesight. “My teacher regularly had ‘mission moments’ in our class and one of those moments was about Operation Eyesight,” explains Eileen. “It inspired my imagination. Blindness is something… Continue Reading Thanks to you: Eileen Maharaj