The gift of sight – and much, much more

Categories: Eye Surgery, Our Work

Today the word “remembering” is on my mind as we observe Remembrance Day in Canada and many other nations around the world. In terms of Operation Eyesight, that got me thinking about our beginning almost 50 years ago. As our founder, the late Art Jenkyns, listened to Dr. Ben Gullison speak in a Calgary church… Continue Reading The gift of sight – and much, much more

When are two wheels better than four?

Categories: India, Our Work

I remember, some years ago, when I first learned about the intrepid nuns of Assumption Hospital’s Kanhirapuzha Eye Unit who took eye care into remote areas on motorcycles. It made me smile, imagining these dignified women weaving in and out of traffic (I now know that such a sight is not the least bit unusual… Continue Reading When are two wheels better than four?

Giving more than a card, a hug or a handshake

Categories: Communities, Our Work

My kids, now both out of high school, have had many special teachers, caregivers and coaches over the years. Ms Harrison, my daughter’s Kindergarten teacher, was a real gem, as was Mrs Pasutto, who taught both of my children and whom they both adored. We were fortunate in most of these professional relationships, right up… Continue Reading Giving more than a card, a hug or a handshake