A big heart for the people – this community health volunteer is changing lives.

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, Other, Our Work, Zambia
A community health worker in Zambia
Catherine was overjoyed when she heard about the opportunity to become a community health volunteer with Operation Eyesight. However, Catherine’s family was not so thrilled. “Why would you want to work for free?” They would ask her. “I volunteer because I’m helping people. It’s my dream come true!” Catherine says. She always wanted to help… Continue Reading A big heart for the people – this community health volunteer is changing lives.

Celebrating community health workers on International Women’s Day

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Ghana, Hospitals, Our Work, Prevention
March 8th is International Women’s Day. Let’s take a moment to recognize the thousands of women who make our community health worker program great! They’re proud to be caregivers for their entire communities. Take Harriet, for instance. Harriet lives in the village of Dominase in Ghana. Harriet is an Operation Eyesight-trained community health worker, and… Continue Reading Celebrating community health workers on International Women’s Day

How do you eliminate avoidable blindness on a sustainable basis? We have the answer!

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Hospitals, Our Work, Prevention
Community screening
One of the most significant ways in which Operation Eyesight is eliminating avoidable blindness is through our Hospital-Based Community Eye Health Program, which is a real mouthful. And it doesn’t stop with the title. The model is complex, and has many moving parts, so that’s why we’re thrilled to have a full breakdown of the… Continue Reading How do you eliminate avoidable blindness on a sustainable basis? We have the answer!

All for one, and one for all!

Categories: Blog, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, India, Our Work
Siroti is a 60-year-old woman who lives in a village in West Bengal, India. She lives with her husband and their extended family. She works as a daily wage worker in a nearby tea garden, where her husband is a daily wage labourer and her son works as a carpenter. Together as a family they… Continue Reading All for one, and one for all!

Helping eye cancer patients from India and around the world

Categories: Hospitals, India, Our Work
Sight restored. Cancer beaten. Lives saved! And all thanks to our generous donors! In September 2015, we opened the Operation Eyesight Universal Institute for Eye Cancer in India in response to the shocking fact that every day, four children in India are born with eye cancer. Through its early detection and integrated treatments programs, the… Continue Reading Helping eye cancer patients from India and around the world