Health worker brings light to her community

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work
The last of the sun’s rays cast over a small village near the India-Bangladesh border. Nurbhanu is finishing up her final house call of the day. As a community health worker with Operation Eyesight’s Community-Based Eye Health Project in West Bengal, India, she is used to working late into the evening. Tomorrow, a team from… Continue Reading Health worker brings light to her community

Securities prove to be a very special type of gift

Categories: Donors, India
Giving a gift of securities to Operation Eyesight last year proved doubly rewarding to longtime donor Penny Pattison. When Penny’s father died in 2010, and left her some money, Penny made a bequest in her own will to Operation Eyesight with part of her inheritance. After consulting with her financial advisor, she invested some of… Continue Reading Securities prove to be a very special type of gift

Making miracles happen

Categories: News

Do you believe in Christmas miracles? We certainly do! In late November, a valued donor and friend to Operation Eyesight offered a Christmas Miracle Maker Challenge to our board, staff, volunteers, donors and friends. The goal? To raise $100,000 (which the anonymous Miracle Maker committed to match) by December 24 at midnight! Realizing the remarkable opportunity to double their donation, those who were contacted tried to make… Continue Reading Making miracles happen

A smooth transition from homemaker to leader

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work
Winning an election anywhere in the world can involve a lot of strength, money and power. This is even more pronounced in India’s state of West Bengal, where politics can be very volatile. But in a small village in West Bengal along the border between India and Bangladesh, a young woman named Rama Sarkar has… Continue Reading A smooth transition from homemaker to leader

Neither blindness nor age can slow her down

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work
If I became blind, I might not feel inclined to keep up with my daily chores. How about you? However, that wasn’t the case for 75-year old Deevanamma. “In spite of her blindness, she never sits idle,” neighbours told us admiringly. Deevanamma and her husband raised five children in the small Indian village of Ungamath.… Continue Reading Neither blindness nor age can slow her down