Thanks to you, Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise

Categories: Donors, Kenya
As past president and a past chair of international services for the Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise in Simcoe, ON, John Wallace’s enthusiastic support of Operation Eyesight knows no bounds. Not only is he a donor, he’s a supporter, a fundraiser and a cheerleader for the organization, which he calls, “an amazing and unique Canadian… Continue Reading Thanks to you, Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise

Eye surgeries improve a struggling family’s quality of life

Categories: Eye Surgery, India
Kandi Chandramohan, 34, works as a parking lot attendant in Secunderabad, a city near Hyderabad, India. Born and raised in Hyderabad, he dropped out of school in Grade 7 to begin working. He lives with his mother, his wife and their four daughters, and is the only bread earner of the family. For the past… Continue Reading Eye surgeries improve a struggling family’s quality of life

It’s a wonderful world… for a baby who can see

Categories: News

With Mother’s Day on the horizon for Canadians, Americans, and others, it’s a natural association to think of babies. Their wide-eyed wonder at the world around them makes all but the crankiest person smile. Yet it may be shocking to realize that in the time it took you to read this paragraph, a child somewhere… Continue Reading It’s a wonderful world… for a baby who can see

Remembering our inspiration: Dr. Ben Gullison

Categories: India, Our Work
This week, we celebrate the life of Dr. Ben Gullison, the Canadian who inspired the founding of Operation Eyesight. Dr. Gullison passed away April 6, 1987, and it is his vision of “the best for the poorest” that we still strive to achieve. Dr. Gullison was born in Yarmouth, N.S. He studied medicine at Acadia… Continue Reading Remembering our inspiration: Dr. Ben Gullison

Sight and love in an Indian slum

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work

Gaddam Naresh was devastated. The 28-year-old resident of Hyderabad’s Fatehnagar slum had just learned that his marriage proposal had been rejected because of his poor vision. His sweetheart’s family didn’t think he could provide for her. And he couldn’t really argue with them. Gaddam’s income from driving an auto rickshaw had dropped dramatically since he’d… Continue Reading Sight and love in an Indian slum