Remembering women in need

Categories: India, Our Work
Hello from India! As I write this, I’m here with our Operation Eyesight team in Hyderabad, where we’re meeting with eye care experts at the LV Prasad Eye Institute. You may know Hyderabad as the place where many Bollywood films are created. In fact, it was a wealthy filmmaker (LV Prasad) who supplied the land… Continue Reading Remembering women in need

Art Jenkyns’ simple message

Categories: India, Our Work
This week marks the seventh anniversary of the passing of Art Jenkyns, the founder of Operation Eyesight. Those of you who know our history know that Art was the driving force behind the organization from the beginning. When he died in 2005, he left a tremendous legacy that continues to inspire our work to this… Continue Reading Art Jenkyns’ simple message

Community outreach enriches life in an Indian slum

Categories: Communities, India
Kevin Davidson is a member of Operation Eyesight UK’s board of trustees and the chief executive officer of Maxwell Drummond, an international executive search firm headquartered in London, England. He visited our Rasoolpura Urban Slum Project during a December business trip to India. We asked him to share his impressions of the visit. Rasoolpura is… Continue Reading Community outreach enriches life in an Indian slum

Picturing a brighter future

Categories: India, Our Work, Zambia
Today I’d like to tell you about a couple of photographs that mean a lot to me – and why. I currently serve Operation Eyesight as vice-president of Advancement, but back in 2002, I was volunteering on the Board of Directors. In that year I made my first visit to Africa and India to learn… Continue Reading Picturing a brighter future

Free training transforms a young woman’s life

Categories: India, Our Work

Imagine growing up in a slum where your family sleeps in a cramped hut and can barely afford to eat. Now imagine rising out of that poverty and becoming a respected medical professional in the community. That’s the story of Mabbula Liviza. I met Mabbula earlier this year while in Hyderabad, where I visited the… Continue Reading Free training transforms a young woman’s life