A little girl journeys out of darkness

Categories: Eye Surgery, India
Think back to when you were 12 years old. Hopefully, you were playing with friends, (mostly) enjoying your days in school and generally having a great time being a kid. Unfortunately, life wasn’t like that for Phangshu, a little girl living in the village of Sonapur in India. Not only was she born into a… Continue Reading A little girl journeys out of darkness

Helping eye cancer patients from India and around the world

Categories: Hospitals, India, Our Work
Sight restored. Cancer beaten. Lives saved! And all thanks to our generous donors! In September 2015, we opened the Operation Eyesight Universal Institute for Eye Cancer in India in response to the shocking fact that every day, four children in India are born with eye cancer. Through its early detection and integrated treatments programs, the… Continue Reading Helping eye cancer patients from India and around the world

Cataract surgery ensures a kinder fate

Categories: Eye Surgery, India

Thirteen-year-old Manjula lives with her mother and three siblings in a rented room in a slum of Bangalore, India. For years, Manjula enjoyed a normal life, going to school, playing with her friends and helping her mother with chores. But two years ago, she started having difficulty seeing the blackboard in class. She confided in… Continue Reading Cataract surgery ensures a kinder fate

Going door to door to end blindness

Categories: Communities, India, Kenya, Zambia
There are lots of causes of avoidable blindness. One that’s especially common in the countries where we work is what’s known as “poor eye health-seeking behaviour.” It refers to people who have problems with their eyes, but don’t seek medical attention. We’ve learned there are a lot of reasons for this, including a lack of… Continue Reading Going door to door to end blindness

Community health worker strives to help every patient (Part 2 of 2)

Categories: Communities, India, Prevention

Last week, we introduced you to Sarashwati, a community health worker who had made it her mission to help ever single patient in Kawalwadi, a small village in the Indian state of Maharashtra. This week, the story continues, courtesy of Dr. Harish Kumar, our programme manager in India. Sarashwati had polio as a child, leaving… Continue Reading Community health worker strives to help every patient (Part 2 of 2)