Community health worker strives to help every patient (Part 1 of 2)

Categories: Blog, Communities, India, Our Work

Dr. Harish Kumar, our programme manager in India, shared this inspiring story with us. Thank you, Harish! At Operation Eyesight, we value the big-picture perspective, but we also like to keep one foot planted firmly at the ground level. So while we’re busy organizing, planning, training and monitoring, we recognize that it’s the field staff… Continue Reading Community health worker strives to help every patient (Part 1 of 2)

A donor reminds us that sharing is caring

Categories: Donors, India

In 2015, our generous donors contributed almost $4 million to our work, giving the gift of sight to hundreds of thousands of children, women and men living in India and Africa. Today, I’d like to tell you about one special donor, Gwen Crowe.   Gwen, 85, has been a donor to Operation Eyesight for decades.… Continue Reading A donor reminds us that sharing is caring

A teen can be a teen, now that he can see

Categories: Eye Surgery, India

Atul and his family live in a semi-permanent home in Jogyal, a remote village located in the drought-prone district of Latur, India. When he was eight years old, one of Atul’s classmates accidently hit him in the eye with a pencil. He felt pain right away, but then things seemed to get better… for a while.… Continue Reading A teen can be a teen, now that he can see

Biannual checkup: Majuli Island

Categories: Communities, India, Prevention

We first told you about Majuli Island back in Spring 2014. Located in India’s remote state of Assam, it’s home to 168,000 people. Before Operation Eyesight launched a Hospital-Based Community Eye Health Program there in 2012, the island had no eye care at all. Thanks to a video documentary created by our Canadian intern Adrian… Continue Reading Biannual checkup: Majuli Island

Community program restores a mother’s sight

Categories: Uncategorized
Shakila, 52, lives in Bhopal, India. A widow, she works hard to support her two daughters as best she can through a variety of small jobs. She washes dishes and helps local farmers at the market by cleaning wheat and rice or grooming animals. But these tasks became extremely difficult when her vision started to… Continue Reading Community program restores a mother’s sight