Announcing: The Operation Eyesight Universal Institute for Eye Cancer!

Categories: Eye Surgery, India
Since we started working in India in 1963, Operation Eyesight has made great strides in that country. Our program models have been endorsed by Vision 2020 India, and other organizations look to us as leaders in the eye health community. Our India projects are growing by leaps and bounds, and serving many levels of eye… Continue Reading Announcing: The Operation Eyesight Universal Institute for Eye Cancer!

Going ‘above and beyond’ to help restore sight

Categories: Eye Surgery, India
I recently had the pleasure of talking to Peter and Yvette, two longtime Canadian donors who approached Operation Eyesight seeking help for Peter’s childhood friend living in India. While it’s not an everyday occurrence, we went out of our way to arrange eye care for her. This is Peter’s story about Josephine… “Sometimes, people go… Continue Reading Going ‘above and beyond’ to help restore sight

A father’s heart rejoices: His son can see!

Categories: Eye Surgery, India
Sri Paresh Orang is a daily wage worker in a small village in northeast India. Paresh and his wife have two young sons – one of whom was born blind. Providing for his family was difficult for Paresh, and because of his youngest son’s disability and the special care he required, life was that much… Continue Reading A father’s heart rejoices: His son can see!

Saying “thank you” to Dad

Categories: Eye Surgery, India
This Sunday, many people around the world will celebrate Father’s Day. It’s an opportunity to honour dads, grandfathers and father figures for their love and support – and this week, two teenagers from Akbarpur, India, would like to say “thank you” to their fathers. Gunjan used to struggle with poor vision due to cataract in… Continue Reading Saying “thank you” to Dad

A farmer’s vision of happiness

Categories: Eye Surgery, India, Our Work
Subhas Mondal is a farmer from a small village in West Bengal, India. To earn a wage and provide for himself and his wife, he ploughs land and sells date palm juice, which he extracts from nearby date trees. For reasons unknown to him, Subhas’ vision began to slowly deteriorate. But with no eye care… Continue Reading A farmer’s vision of happiness