Add YouTube: instant smile!

Categories: News
How’s your day going? If you haven’t had a smile yet today (and I hope that isn’t the case), then I invite you to take a moment and click on Operation Eyesight’s YouTube channel. Like magic: instant smile! Within moments, you will meet people whose lives have been transformed by our generous donors. You’ll see… Continue Reading Add YouTube: instant smile!

Options are available to help developing African countries (Part 2 of 2)

Categories: Kenya, Prevention
Ultimately, Operation Eyesight’s goal in Africa is to help each country achieve a comprehensive health care system that includes eye care – one that they can sustain without foreign support. Our commitment to sustainability – both fiscal and programmatic – will ensure that these collaborative projects and programs will continue long after our departure. Our… Continue Reading Options are available to help developing African countries (Part 2 of 2)

Options are available to help developing African countries (Part 1 of 2)

Categories: Kenya, Prevention
Working with African people for many years, we have been constantly impressed with their initiative, leadership and awareness of their own social, economic and health care challenges. These are not helpless people. They have many of the tools they need to improve their own systems, except financial and human resources. With this in mind, Operation… Continue Reading Options are available to help developing African countries (Part 1 of 2)

Companies have a role to play in social investment

Categories: News, Our Work
On March 7, I spoke to business leaders and members of the international eye care community at the launch of Operation Eyesight UK in London. We made some important connections, and the trustees of the UK board are off to a great start. We certainly want people in the UK to know that Operation Eyesight… Continue Reading Companies have a role to play in social investment

Remembering women in need

Categories: India, Our Work
Hello from India! As I write this, I’m here with our Operation Eyesight team in Hyderabad, where we’re meeting with eye care experts at the LV Prasad Eye Institute. You may know Hyderabad as the place where many Bollywood films are created. In fact, it was a wealthy filmmaker (LV Prasad) who supplied the land… Continue Reading Remembering women in need