‘Asante Sana!’

Categories: Eye Surgery, Kenya, Our Work
Living in remote and rural areas can isolate some elderly Africans, leaving them vulnerable to health issues. When a caring relative can help them get to medical care, it can make a world of difference in their lives. I met Simon Metei and his 89-year old father, Chebochok, in the town of Eldoret, Kenya. Simon… Continue Reading ‘Asante Sana!’

For health workers, training is a dream come true

Categories: Communities, Kenya, Our Work
Ophthalmic nurse Carolyn Chenalan Jepkemboi has a smile as bright as the Kenyan sunshine and a personality to match. Carolyn, who works at the eye clinic in the town of Kapsabet, Kenya, cares for patients with eye health issues, and assists with cataract and trachoma operations. “I wanted to be a nurse since primary school.… Continue Reading For health workers, training is a dream come true

A starfish on the Kenyan plains

Categories: Eye Surgery, Kenya, Our Work, Prevention
There’s a famous anecdote about a little girl who walked along a beach after a storm, tossing stranded starfish back into the safety of the ocean. When asked why she bothered when there were thousands of starfish, she replied, “I made a difference to that one.” Last week, I told you about how women and… Continue Reading A starfish on the Kenyan plains

Lions and elephants and crocs, oh my

Categories: Kenya, Zambia
A big, cold glass of water is one of life’s simple pleasures. When you’re thirsty, there’s nothing better. But what if, on the way to the tap or water dispenser, a lion leapt out at you? Or an elephant charged you? Or a 15-foot long crocodile with a big toothy grin was lurking in wait?… Continue Reading Lions and elephants and crocs, oh my

Imagine eyelashes scratching like a metal brush

Categories: Eye Surgery, Kenya

Trachoma is the world’s leading cause of preventable blindness. I have seen people suffering from it in developing countries like Kenya and Zambia, where it is the most common and widespread eye health issue. An agonizing disease borne of a lack of clean water and poor sanitation, trachoma causes permanent blindness if left untreated. The… Continue Reading Imagine eyelashes scratching like a metal brush