Get ready for GivingTuesday 2015!

Categories: Kenya, Prevention
GivingTuesday 2015 is one month away! You’ve probably heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, two days that kick off the holiday shopping season. Well, on Tuesday, December 1, people in Canada and across the globe will kick off the holiday giving season with GivingTuesday. It’s a special day dedicated to giving back around the world, and… Continue Reading Get ready for GivingTuesday 2015!

Finding joy in the happiness of others

Categories: Eye Surgery, Kenya
Last summer, Operation Eyesight participated in Calgary’s “All Charity Festival.” That’s where we met our friend Ruby Anyumba and were once again reminded how small the world really is. You see, Ruby is originally from Kenya, and she had heard of Operation Eyesight before she arrived in Canada! In fact, her aunt, Juliana Otieno (or… Continue Reading Finding joy in the happiness of others

Our goal in Kenya: no more trachoma

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work, Prevention

When Operation Eyesight drilled our first well in Kenya in 2007, we were following the World Health Organization-endorsed SAFE (Surgery, Antibiotics, Face-washing, Environmental change) strategy to eliminate painful, blinding trachoma. Thanks to our amazing donors, we’ve made great progress on that goal, so much that we’re now part of a plan to completely eradicate trachoma… Continue Reading Our goal in Kenya: no more trachoma

School screening in rural Kenya – using a mobile phone!

Categories: Uncategorized
Last spring, we told you how Operation Eyesight helped fund an exciting technological development that will revolutionize eye examination: a smartphone application called Portable Eye Examination Kit (PEEK). Now being tested in rural schools in Kenya, the school-based PEEK pilot project is helping build capacity of teachers to monitor and evaluate the visual acuity of… Continue Reading School screening in rural Kenya – using a mobile phone!

Ridgewood Rotary brings water and opportunity to Kenyan school

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work
Last September, we told you about Sarah Kiruri, a teacher at Kishermoruak Primary School in southern Kenya. Today we’d like to tell you about Ridgewood Rotary Club, a generous group of donors working behind the scenes to help keep Sarah’s school running smoothly. In 2008, Ridgewood Rotary, a club from New Jersey, USA, formed a… Continue Reading Ridgewood Rotary brings water and opportunity to Kenyan school