Donor’s Generosity Helps Others – During Her Lifetime and Beyond

Categories: Blog, Donors, Legacy donors, Other, Our Work
Woman gives to sight-saving charity organization in memory of her late blind brother
A few years ago, we were sad to say goodbye to Margaret, an incredible donor whose kindness has lasted beyond her lifetime. Margaret started giving to Operation Eyesight back in 1964. In a letter, she told us why. “My beloved brother, older than I by 10 years, went blind and soon after died from diabetes… Continue Reading Donor’s Generosity Helps Others – During Her Lifetime and Beyond

How to share your passion for a better world

Categories: Donors
I can’t believe it’s March already! The post-Christmas season is always a busy time of year for us; it just seems to fly by. We’re so grateful for all of the donations we received over the holidays, and we appreciate everyone who thought of us during the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. But… Continue Reading How to share your passion for a better world

Remembering Elizabeth Stuart

Categories: Donors, Legacy donors
We celebrate the generosity of every donor, and there are many who deserve recognition! One whom we would like to celebrate is Elizabeth Stevens Stuart. Elizabeth was born in 1907 in Osgoode, Ontario, and passed away there in 2011, at age 105. She was one of our treasured lifelong donors, who began giving to Operation… Continue Reading Remembering Elizabeth Stuart

One man’s legacy makes a significant impact

Categories: Donors, Our Work
John Hacault certainly had a great big heart. A longtime donor to Operation Eyesight, John passed away in Vancouver in 2013. Thanks to his generous legacy gift, our partner hospitals are able to reach out and give the gift of sight to people in need. One such partner is Dr. Salins Eye Hospital, located in… Continue Reading One man’s legacy makes a significant impact