Children with disabilities are often forgotten

Categories: Communities, India
I once met a little boy with one eye. Last year while in India, I visited the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad, India. This world-class centre for vision care works closely with Operation Eyesight. I was touring the facility, marvelling at all the different departments. LVP handles just about every kind of eye problem… Continue Reading Children with disabilities are often forgotten

We must see through their eyes (Part 1 of 2)

Categories: Eye Surgery, Our Work
Have you ever wondered why Operation Eyesight is so big on quality? It’s a fair question. Why insist on high international standards for poor people? Isn’t just about anything better than what they have? To answer that, picture a tribal woman in a remote part of India, who is going blind from cataracts. She’s a… Continue Reading We must see through their eyes (Part 1 of 2)