A starfish on the Kenyan plains

Categories: Eye Surgery, Kenya, Our Work, Prevention
There’s a famous anecdote about a little girl who walked along a beach after a storm, tossing stranded starfish back into the safety of the ocean. When asked why she bothered when there were thousands of starfish, she replied, “I made a difference to that one.” Last week, I told you about how women and… Continue Reading A starfish on the Kenyan plains

Ongata Naado – a village transformed (Part 2 of 2)

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya
Last week I wrote about this village in Kenya, and how the Maasai people suffered from the agonizing trachoma disease, largely due to lack of water. After Operation Eyesight drilled a water borehole in 2007, everything began changing for these people. The difference between my first visit to Ongata Naado in 2006 (before the well… Continue Reading Ongata Naado – a village transformed (Part 2 of 2)

Ongata Naado – a village transformed (Part 1 of 2)

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya
Water is a powerful force. In rivers, it pushes huge generator turbines. In the ocean, it covers most of the earth. From the ground, it changes people’s lives in ways I never would have imagined unless I had seen it with my own eyes. In Kenya, Operation Eyesight has been fighting the terrible trachoma infection… Continue Reading Ongata Naado – a village transformed (Part 1 of 2)

Water is life in Narok

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work

Travelling by vehicle on the highway from Nairobi to Narok, Kenya, the first glimpse of the Great Rift Valley is staggering. Your eye cannot take in its breadth and its beauty. This is the panoramic road I travelled a few short weeks ago on February 19. As we drive down the mountain on the narrow… Continue Reading Water is life in Narok