Honour mom with a special gift this Mother’s Day

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Donors, Eye Surgery, India, Our Work
Indian mother and daughter from Majuli Island
Can you believe it’s already May 8th? If you’re in Canada, then you’re probably wondering how we seemed to skip spring and go straight into summer! Christmas just happened, and suddenly Mother’s Day is just around the corner. For many of us, our mothers are very special people in our lives. They raised us, loved… Continue Reading Honour mom with a special gift this Mother’s Day

Majuli Island: From Maini’s Mind to Operation Eyesight

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Other
Maini Majuli Island kids
Last week, Dr. Shivam Maini, an avid photographer and photography mentor, went with our team to visit some of our projects in India. And one of his trips was to Majuli Island, the largest river island in the world. Operation Eyesight has been working to prevent blindness and restore sight in this remote area for… Continue Reading Majuli Island: From Maini’s Mind to Operation Eyesight

Biannual checkup: Majuli Island

Categories: Communities, India, Prevention

We first told you about Majuli Island back in Spring 2014. Located in India’s remote state of Assam, it’s home to 168,000 people. Before Operation Eyesight launched a Hospital-Based Community Eye Health Program there in 2012, the island had no eye care at all. Thanks to a video documentary created by our Canadian intern Adrian… Continue Reading Biannual checkup: Majuli Island