Gratification, appreciation from a doctor in Zambia

Categories: Our Work, Zambia
After working in challenging conditions in Zambia’s isolated North-Western province for more than six years, ophthalmologist Edith Pola-Smith recently concluded her contract with Operation Eyesight. Over the years, she and her team traveled extensively to provide surgery and eye care in remote areas. They made a considerable impact on avoidable blindness in the region. Edith… Continue Reading Gratification, appreciation from a doctor in Zambia

The Olympics of eye care

Categories: India, News, Our Work
If you’re someone who reads this blog each week, you know how proud we are of our approach to eye care and development. We believe we’re on the right track – helping people with immediate needs but also helping communities become self-sufficient in the long run. That confidence was confirmed this week at the International… Continue Reading The Olympics of eye care

Older is o-kay

Categories: Our Work
A few weeks ago, I wrote about grandchildren from my and my wife Margot’s points of view (we’re known to our grandchildren as Nana and Papa). Here are some other terms for grandparents: I note that the United Nations’ International Day of Older Persons is coming up in a few weeks, which is a great… Continue Reading Older is o-kay

Community outreach enriches life in an Indian slum

Categories: Communities, India
Kevin Davidson is a member of Operation Eyesight UK’s board of trustees and the chief executive officer of Maxwell Drummond, an international executive search firm headquartered in London, England. He visited our Rasoolpura Urban Slum Project during a December business trip to India. We asked him to share his impressions of the visit. Rasoolpura is… Continue Reading Community outreach enriches life in an Indian slum

Free training transforms a young woman’s life

Categories: India, Our Work

Imagine growing up in a slum where your family sleeps in a cramped hut and can barely afford to eat. Now imagine rising out of that poverty and becoming a respected medical professional in the community. That’s the story of Mabbula Liviza. I met Mabbula earlier this year while in Hyderabad, where I visited the… Continue Reading Free training transforms a young woman’s life