East Africa drought crisis: Doing our part

Categories: Kenya, News

By now, most people have heard about the drought and famine in East Africa. The stories and images from the region are disturbing and hard to fathom. Since we hadn’t heard much about it from our partners, Lynda Cherry, our vice-president of International Programs, sent an email inquiring, “How are you doing? What’s going on?”… Continue Reading East Africa drought crisis: Doing our part

What’s the big deal about water?

Categories: Communities, Kenya, Our Work

World Water Day, earlier this week on March 22, tells us not to take water for granted. About five years ago Operation Eyesight realized that treatment and surgery alone were not going to win the battle to eliminate unnecessary blindness. Indeed the evidence was that a good deal of blindness could be prevented if we were… Continue Reading What’s the big deal about water?

Water is life in Narok

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work

Travelling by vehicle on the highway from Nairobi to Narok, Kenya, the first glimpse of the Great Rift Valley is staggering. Your eye cannot take in its breadth and its beauty. This is the panoramic road I travelled a few short weeks ago on February 19. As we drive down the mountain on the narrow… Continue Reading Water is life in Narok