A celebration of sight restored

Categories: Eye Surgery, Ghana, Our Work
Ever seen someone dancing for joy? I was fortunate enough to witness just such a spontaneous outpouring of elation when I was in Ghana last year. While at Watborg Eye Hospital, I met Janet Ofosuhene, a 75-year old woman who lives in the town of Kwahu Mpraeso. Four years ago, Janet noticed her vision start… Continue Reading A celebration of sight restored

Companies have a role to play in social investment

Categories: News, Our Work
On March 7, I spoke to business leaders and members of the international eye care community at the launch of Operation Eyesight UK in London. We made some important connections, and the trustees of the UK board are off to a great start. We certainly want people in the UK to know that Operation Eyesight… Continue Reading Companies have a role to play in social investment

Canada to England to Iceland: worth the adventure

Categories: News, Our Work
Q: What does it take to launch a new organization? A: A blizzard, a malfunctioning airplane, multiple cancellations and a surprise visit to Iceland. You’ve heard the expression “no pain, no gain?” Well, getting the guest speaker from Calgary to London for the launch of Operation Eyesight UK last week was no easy task, but… Continue Reading Canada to England to Iceland: worth the adventure

Food is on the way

Categories: Kenya, Our Work

I’m sure you’ve been following the news about the terrible drought and famine in East Africa. While this is truly a tragic situation, it is also true that generous people all over the world, including our own supporters, have stepped forward to supply relief. To you, we say thanks. As you may know, the area… Continue Reading Food is on the way

India has much to teach us – Part 2

Categories: Hospitals, India, Our Work

Last week I wrote about the amazing efficiency of India’s Little Flower Hospital. Our hospitals may be busy, but they don’t come close to the sheer number of people treated daily by Indian hospitals. Here in Canada, we could learn a lot about patient flow from them. For instance, in North American hospitals, the operating… Continue Reading India has much to teach us – Part 2