Thanks to you: Edmonton Public Teachers’ Charity Trust Fund

Categories: Communities
American journalist and historian Henry Adams once said, “Teachers affect eternity; you can never tell where their influence stops.” The teachers of Edmonton Public Schools have taken that statement to another level with their Charity Trust Fund. A generous supporter of Operation Eyesight for more than 25 years, the Edmonton Public Teachers’ Charity Trust Fund’s… Continue Reading Thanks to you: Edmonton Public Teachers’ Charity Trust Fund

Thanks to you!

Categories: News, Our Work
As we looked back on the 2011 year during our annual general meeting this past week, I was filled with immense gratitude for our donors. All of the work we do – every single project we undertake and every single person whose life is changed – is thanks to your kind generosity. Because of you,… Continue Reading Thanks to you!

Thanks to you: Annapolis Capital

Categories: Donors

Want to see a prime example of corporate social responsibility? Look no further than Calgary-based Annapolis Capital. Not only does the private investment management firm donate locally, it’s also a generous supporter of Operation Eyesight. “Giving is integrated into our corporate culture,” says Annapolis’ president and CEO, Peter Williams. “We started out in a simple… Continue Reading Thanks to you: Annapolis Capital