Cooking up support to fight avoidable blindness

Categories: Donors
Our 50th anniversary has brought many welcome surprises – letters filled with memories from long-time donors are one of our favourites. One surprise that has us particularly excited is from Dr. Ben Gullison’s great niece Iris Quinn, a long-time Operation Eyesight supporter. Iris is an accomplished stage and film actor, director, voice-over artist and acting… Continue Reading Cooking up support to fight avoidable blindness

Thanks to you, Deborah Cullen

Categories: Donors, Zambia
Deborah Cullen says she felt disorientated when she returned home to Calgary, AB after a trip to Africa. “Africa is very humbling. It gets you,” she says. “There’s such culture shock when you come back to our land of plenty. We have so much; we’re so safe here. We turn on our taps and the… Continue Reading Thanks to you, Deborah Cullen

Thanks to you, Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise

Categories: Donors, Kenya
As past president and a past chair of international services for the Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise in Simcoe, ON, John Wallace’s enthusiastic support of Operation Eyesight knows no bounds. Not only is he a donor, he’s a supporter, a fundraiser and a cheerleader for the organization, which he calls, “an amazing and unique Canadian… Continue Reading Thanks to you, Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise

Gratification, appreciation from a doctor in Zambia

Categories: Our Work, Zambia
After working in challenging conditions in Zambia’s isolated North-Western province for more than six years, ophthalmologist Edith Pola-Smith recently concluded her contract with Operation Eyesight. Over the years, she and her team traveled extensively to provide surgery and eye care in remote areas. They made a considerable impact on avoidable blindness in the region. Edith… Continue Reading Gratification, appreciation from a doctor in Zambia

We <3 our donors!

Categories: News

Every single person who has ever given to Operation Eyesight deserves heartfelt thanks. We hope you hear that message, often and loud and clear from us! And to turn up the gratitude, watch and share this brief feel-good video featuring some of the people you’ve helped. We guarantee a smile!