‘Asante Sana!’

Categories: Eye Surgery, Kenya, Our Work
Living in remote and rural areas can isolate some elderly Africans, leaving them vulnerable to health issues. When a caring relative can help them get to medical care, it can make a world of difference in their lives. I met Simon Metei and his 89-year old father, Chebochok, in the town of Eldoret, Kenya. Simon… Continue Reading ‘Asante Sana!’

Fireworks for 50!

Categories: News
Light the fireworks! Throw the confetti! Strike up the band… Operation Eyesight turns 50 this year! Okay, in reality the celebrations might be a bit lower-key than that. But I’m sure you’ll agree, 50 years of preventing avoidable blindness is an occasion worth celebrating! Back in 1963, a Canadian doctor named Ben Gullison inspired businessman… Continue Reading Fireworks for 50!

5 stories that touched our hearts in 2012

Categories: Communities, News, Our Work, Prevention

It’s been a great year for storytelling here at Grey Mist Lifting! We’ve certainly enjoyed the opportunity to tell you an inspiring story every Friday. Together, we’ve travelled to Africa and India and introduced you to some of the children, women and men whose lives have changed, thanks to our supporters. Here are five highlights… Continue Reading 5 stories that touched our hearts in 2012

Older is o-kay

Categories: Our Work
A few weeks ago, I wrote about grandchildren from my and my wife Margot’s points of view (we’re known to our grandchildren as Nana and Papa). Here are some other terms for grandparents: I note that the United Nations’ International Day of Older Persons is coming up in a few weeks, which is a great… Continue Reading Older is o-kay

Back to school!

Categories: Clean Water, Our Work, Zambia
It’s September and all over the world, children have trooped back to school. It’s an exciting time of year for children. Bright eyes ready to read and write – it’s great to be a kid. But what if the kids have no school? We work with rural people in Kenya and Zambia and we know… Continue Reading Back to school!