A life threatened by trachoma was saved, thanks to your support!

Categories: Blog, Clean Water, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, Kenya, Other, Our Work, Prevention
Kenyan mother and daughter
Nadupoi is the second eldest daughter in her family, and she has four siblings. She lives with her family in a small village in Narok County, Kenya. Her parents make a living as cattle farmers. Nadupoi’s right eye wouldn’t stop tearing up. It was like she was crying all the time, even though she wasn’t.… Continue Reading A life threatened by trachoma was saved, thanks to your support!

2016 was an incredible year in Zambia – Thanks to you!

Categories: Blog, Clean Water, Communities, Eye Surgery, Eyeglasses, Hospitals, Our Work, Prevention, Zambia
Last time we posted an impact report, we highlighted all the amazing work made possible in Kenya by supporters like you. This week is the last in our 2016 impact highlight series. We’re excited to have our last post about all the incredible work in Zambia made possible by generous people like you! For more… Continue Reading 2016 was an incredible year in Zambia – Thanks to you!