Water project brings life to Kenyan village

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work
Access to safe water and sanitation facilities in Kenya has traditionally been a challenge, particularly in rural areas. In Ichangipusi village in Narok South District, the primary source of water used to be a laga (a seasonal riverbed). Villagers would journey more than three hours to collect water from unprotected, shallow wells dug in the… Continue Reading Water project brings life to Kenyan village

Borehole brings happiness to all

Categories: Clean Water, Our Work, Zambia
Christopher Tengwa, 57, lives in the Tulonga village of Sinazongwe district, Zambia. He works as a peasant farmer to provide for his family, including his 11 children. Christopher and his family used to live in the Zambezi floodplain where the land was fertile, but the Zambian government’s construction of the gigantic Kariba Dam forced them… Continue Reading Borehole brings happiness to all

Community establishes hygienic roots

Categories: Clean Water, Our Work, Zambia
Evalina Kalata is a child of displacement. Before she was born, Evalina’s parents, along with 57,000 other poor tribespeople who lived along the banks of Zambia’s Zambezi River, were forced out of their homes to allow for construction of the gigantic Kariba Dam. Evalina grew up in a re-settled and remote village called Nang’amba, where… Continue Reading Community establishes hygienic roots

Teacher is “mother of cleanliness” to her students

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work
Trachoma is a blinding eye disease that is prevalent in Kenya’s Narok District. Caused by bacterial infection, it spreads easily through contact with eye discharge from infected people on hands, towels and clothing, and also through direct transmission by flies. But trachoma can be prevented with proper sanitation – and Sarah Kiruri, a teacher at… Continue Reading Teacher is “mother of cleanliness” to her students

Overcoming flies, cows and 30 km to save sight

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work
Thirty kilometres may not seem like a big distance to us, but it was a huge barrier for Norkitoip, a 45-year-old Kenyan mother of eight. Norkitoip was afflicted with trichiasis, a condition whereby repeated trachoma infections turned her eyelashes inward to rub her cornea. Although she described it as “painful and uncomfortable,” she and her… Continue Reading Overcoming flies, cows and 30 km to save sight