Smart phone app developed to screen for vision problems

Categories: Kenya, Our Work, Prevention
Tackling childhood blindness and visual impairment in low-income countries presents considerable challenges. Infrastructure and human resources are seriously lacking, and systems for accurately testing children for eye conditions and improving follow-up rates are often non-existent or inadequate. If there was a way to improve the way that children’s eyesight is screened and treated across low-income… Continue Reading Smart phone app developed to screen for vision problems

Who Cares?

Categories: Our Work

Who cares about preventing blindness? We do, and we know you do too! Today, the second Thursday of October, is World Sight Day…  a day when countries around the world mark an international day of awareness about avoidable blindness. This year, we’re celebrating by unveiling a new animated video, “Who Cares?” in honour of our… Continue Reading Who Cares?

Advice from Grandpa

Categories: News

Grandpa would be immensely proud of the work Operation Eyesight is doing and the millions of people who can see today, thanks to the generosity of our donors. That’s the message Glenys Jenkyns, granddaughter of our founder Art Jenkyns, shared at our recent Annual General Meeting. Fired with enthusiasm about Operation Eyesight’s mandate to eliminate… Continue Reading Advice from Grandpa

A child’s brush with blindness

Categories: Eye Surgery, Kenya, Our Work
Growing up, my two kids were prone to the usual childhood mishaps… scraped knees, bumped heads, sprained wrists, even the odd black eye. Fortunately, their eye injuries were rare and never vision-threatening. In Africa, however, I saw children with eye traumas caused by large razor-like acacia thorns, sharp splinters of firewood, poorly-aimed rocks and sticks… Continue Reading A child’s brush with blindness

The gift of sight – and much, much more

Categories: Eye Surgery, Our Work

Today the word “remembering” is on my mind as we observe Remembrance Day in Canada and many other nations around the world. In terms of Operation Eyesight, that got me thinking about our beginning almost 50 years ago. As our founder, the late Art Jenkyns, listened to Dr. Ben Gullison speak in a Calgary church… Continue Reading The gift of sight – and much, much more