GivingTuesday 2014: Six-month progress report

Categories: Uncategorized
Last December, Operation Eyesight participated in GivingTuesday – the global day of giving – for the first time. Thanks to support from our incredible donors, we raised enough funds on GivingTuesday to set five villages in West Bengal, India free of avoidable blindness! Through our Hospital-Based Community Eye Health Program in partnership with Siliguri Greater… Continue Reading GivingTuesday 2014: Six-month progress report

Back to work and back to school!

Categories: Communities, India
Sachin is a 59-year-old farmer and traditional healer who lives with his family in the village of Bhutini Para in the Rajganj Block of West Bengal. As the chief breadwinner, he was very concerned when he began to lose his vision. It got so bad that he could no longer farm or deliver herbal medicines… Continue Reading Back to work and back to school!